How To Upload Your Videos And Music To Viusasa $ Why You Need Viusasa as a Music / Video Producer In Kenya
Hey , I know you know about viusasa , it is a content subscription service were users can subsrib for videos and music in the app .
As a content creater or producer you can upload your videos to viusasa and earn . you will earn when app users subscrib to the content in the app .
Watch top videos Now free
Viusasa accepts content in all languages like Swahili , English and vernacular .
Why you need viusasa as a content creater
1. They market your videos ,
2. They organise your payment method.
3. Viusasa will help your launch your music video .
Your can upload video using Email
Send them your video and be ready to have approve it is our own content .
Email to send video ;
Website visit Here
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